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Canonical UQ

Duqtools aims to automate workflows that researchers would normally perform manually or using ad-hoc scripts.

One of the requirements for duqtools is that configurations must be sharable by users to perform standard procedures or canonical UQ. These are enabled through template-based run generation.

This means that the modifications performed by duqtools are completely reproducible with minimal programming (i.e. changing the yaml config). The templates can be re-used and shared, which enables standardized UQ or sensitivity tests. But also makes it convenient to re-use scripts locally.

The setup subcommand takes a config template and turns it into a valid duqtools config (duqtools.yaml):

duqtools setup

Check out the command-line interface for more info on how to use this command.

The setup template

Unlike most of the other commands, duqtools setup does not require a config file, it creates the config file for you.

You can pass the IMAS handle to use as template_data, the run name (this defines the name of the run directory) and the template file (defaults to duqtools.template.yaml):

duqtools setup --handle user/db/123/456 --run_name my_run --template duqtools.template.yaml
# -> creates duqtools.yaml

Depending on the the template, duqtools can automatically fill in some machine specific parameters from the IMAS handle, for example, the start time, end time, B-field and major radius.

Example duqtools.template.yaml:

This is what a template file could look like:

  runs_dir: /afs/{{ }}
  template: /pfs/work/g2aho/jetto/runs/runparallel/jet90350/interpretive_esco02/
    user: {{ handle.user }}
    db: {{ handle.db }}
    shot: {{ handle.shot }}
    run: {{ }}
    - variable: major_radius
      operator: copyto
      value: {{ variables.major_radius | round(4) }}
    - variable: b_field
      operator: copyto
      value: {{ variables.b_field | round(4) }}
    - variable: t_start
      operator: copyto
      value: {{ variables.t_start | round(4) }}
    - variable: t_end
      operator: copyto
      value: {{ (variables.t_start + 0.01) | round(4) }}
    method: latin-hypercube
    n_samples: 25
    - variable: zeff
      operator: multiply
      values: [0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2]
    - variable: t_e
      operator: multiply
      values: [0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2]
  name: jetto

Placeholder variables

The duqduq config template uses jinja2 as the templating engine. Jinja2 is widely used in the Python ecosystem and outside.

This contains attributes related to the current run. You can access the run name (
handle (ImasHandle)
The handle corresponds to the IMAS handle passed on the command line. This means you have access to all attributes from [duqtools.api.ImasHandle][], such as handle.user, handle.db,, and handle.shot.
These variable corresponds to pre-defined values in the IDS data. They are defined via as variables with the type IDS2jetto-variable. Essentially, each variable of this type is accessible as an attribute of variables. These are grabbed from the IDS data on-the-fly in the IMAS handle.
For more information on how to set this up, see the section on variables.

Jinja2 quickstart

Jinja2 allows expressions everywhere. Anything between {{ and }} is evaluated as an expression. This means that:

shot: {{ handle.shot }} gets expanded to shot: 12345

But, it is also possible to perform some operations inside the expression. In the example above we used this to calculate t_end from t_start.

For example, if t_start = 10:

values: [ {{ variables.t_start + 0.01 }} ] gets expanded to values: [ 10.01 ].

Another useful feature of jinja2 is filters. These are functions that can be used inside expressions to modify the variables. Let's say t_start = 10.123, and we want to round to the nearest tenth:

values: [ {{ variables.t_start | round(1) }} ] becomes values: [ 10.1 ].

For more information, have a look at the jinja2 documentation.