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Python API

This notebook demonstrates how to set up a Jetto interpretive simulation and run it via duqtools.

The cell below sets up logging for the notebook.

import logging


Below is an example duqtools config.

The example below takes t_e (electron temperature) from the template, and multiplies it by 1.1.

It also sets a few machine specific parameters (major_radius, b_field), and adjusts the start (t_start) and end time (t_end) for the simulation.

For more documentation on the parameters, check out the documentation here:

from duqtools.api import create

config = {
    'tag': 'data_01',
    'create': {
        'template_data': {
            'user': 'g2aho',
            'db': 'aug',
            'shot': 36982,
            'run': 2,
        'operations': [
                'variable': 't_e',
                'operator': 'multiply',
                'value': 1.1,
                'variable': 'major_radius',
                'operator': 'copyto',
                'value': 165.0,
                'variable': 'b_field',
                'operator': 'copyto',
                'value': -2.5725,
                'variable': 't_start',
                'operator': 'copyto',
                'value': 2.875,
                'variable': 't_end',
                'operator': 'copyto',
                'value': 2.885,
    'system': {
        'name': 'jetto',
10:27:13 [WARNING] Python module 'omas' not found. Submodule 'jams' needs it
Python module 'omas' not found. Submodule 'jams' needs it
10:27:13 [WARNING] Python module 'netCDF4' not found. Submodule 'transp' needs it
Python module 'netCDF4' not found. Submodule 'transp' needs it

Running create will create a new run from the template, copy over the template data, and apply the operations to the data. This will return a dictionary with jobs and runs (Job and Run objects).

jobs_and_runs = create(config)
job, run = jobs_and_runs['run_0000']
Source data: g2aho/aug/36982/2
- Creating run : /afs/
- Copy ids from template to : /gss_efgw_work/work/g2ssmee/jetto/runs/duqduq/data_123/run_0000/imasdb/aug/36982/1
- Copying template to : /afs/
- Setting inital condition of : /gss_efgw_work/work/g2ssmee/jetto/runs/duqduq/data_123/run_0000/imasdb/aug/36982/1
Apply operator='multiply' scale_to_error=False clip_min=None clip_max=None linear_ramp=None input_variables=None custom_code=None variable=IDSVariableModel(ids='core_profiles', path='profiles_1d/*/electrons/temperature', type='IDS-variable', name='t_e', dims=['time', '$rho_tor_norm']) value=1.1
Writing data entry: /gss_efgw_work/work/g2ssmee/jetto/runs/duqduq/data_123/run_0000/imasdb/aug/36982/1
- Writing new batchfile : run_0000
- Updating imas locations of : /afs/
- Writing runs : /afs/
- Writing csv

run contains some metadata about the run and the locations to the input and output data for the run.

{'dirname': PosixPath('/afs/'),
 'shortname': PosixPath('run_0000'),
 'data_in': {'relative_location': None,
  'user': '/gss_efgw_work/work/g2ssmee/jetto/runs/duqduq/data_123/run_0000/imasdb',
  'db': 'aug',
  'shot': 36982,
  'run': 1},
 'data_out': {'relative_location': None,
  'user': '/gss_efgw_work/work/g2ssmee/jetto/runs/duqduq/data_123/run_0000/imasdb',
  'db': 'aug',
  'shot': 36982,
  'run': 2},
 'operations': [{'operator': 'multiply',
   'scale_to_error': False,
   'clip_min': None,
   'clip_max': None,
   'linear_ramp': None,
   'input_variables': None,
   'custom_code': None,
   'variable': {'ids': 'core_profiles',
    'path': 'profiles_1d/*/electrons/temperature',
    'type': 'IDS-variable',
    'name': 't_e',
    'dims': ['time', '$rho_tor_norm']},
   'value': 1.1},
  {'operator': 'copyto',
   'scale_to_error': False,
   'clip_min': None,
   'clip_max': None,
   'linear_ramp': None,
   'input_variables': None,
   'custom_code': None,
   'variable': {'type': 'jetto-variable',
    'name': 'major_radius',
    'lookup': {'doc': 'Reference major radius (R0)',
     'name': 'major_radius',
     'type': 'float',
     'dimension': None,
     'keys': [{'file': 'jetto.jset',
       'field': 'EquilEscoRefPanel.refMajorRadius'},
      {'file': '', 'field': 'RMJ', 'section': 'NLIST1'}]}},
   'value': 165.0},
  {'operator': 'copyto',
   'scale_to_error': False,
   'clip_min': None,
   'clip_max': None,
   'linear_ramp': None,
   'input_variables': None,
   'custom_code': None,
   'variable': {'type': 'jetto-variable',
    'name': 'b_field',
    'lookup': {'doc': 'B-field (B0)',
     'name': 'b_field',
     'type': 'float',
     'dimension': None,
     'keys': [{'file': 'jetto.jset',
       'field': 'EquilEscoRefPanel.BField.ConstValue'}]}},
   'value': -2.5725},
  {'operator': 'copyto',
   'scale_to_error': False,
   'clip_min': None,
   'clip_max': None,
   'linear_ramp': None,
   'input_variables': None,
   'custom_code': None,
   'variable': {'type': 'jetto-variable', 'name': 't_start', 'lookup': None},
   'value': 2.875},
  {'operator': 'copyto',
   'scale_to_error': False,
   'clip_min': None,
   'clip_max': None,
   'linear_ramp': None,
   'input_variables': None,
   'custom_code': None,
   'variable': {'type': 'jetto-variable', 'name': 't_end', 'lookup': None},
   'value': 2.885}]}

job contains information about the status of the job and the locations of the input and output files for the simulation.


The job can be submitted using the configured submit system.

submitting script via slurm ['sbatch', '/gss_efgw_work/work/g2ssmee/jetto/runs/duqduq/data_123/run_0000/.llcmd']
submission returned: b'Submitted batch job 299958\n'

Track the status of the job through job.status().

import time


t0 = time.time()

while not job.is_done:
    t1 = time.time() - t0
    print(f'{t1:10.2f} - {job.status()}')

      0.00 - no status
      1.00 - no status
      2.00 - no status
      3.01 - no status
      4.01 - no status
      5.01 - no status
      6.01 - no status
      7.01 - no status
      8.02 - no status
      9.02 - running
     10.03 - running
     11.03 - running
     12.03 - running
     13.03 - running
     14.03 - running
     15.03 - running
     16.03 - running
     17.04 - running
     18.04 - running
     19.04 - running
     20.04 - running
     21.04 - running
     22.04 - running
     23.04 - running
     24.04 - running
     25.05 - running
     26.05 - running
     27.05 - running
     28.05 - running
     29.05 - running
     30.05 - running

Check that the run has created some data.


Load the data into an xarray.Dataset and do things with it.

ds_out = run.data_out.get_variables(('time', 'rho_tor_norm', 't_e'))

]).plot.scatter('rho_tor_norm', 't_e', marker='.');
/gss_efgw_work/work/g2fjc/jintrac-pythontools-3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xarray/core/ FutureWarning: unique with argument that is not not a Series, Index, ExtensionArray, or np.ndarray is deprecated and will raise in a future version.
  common_dims = tuple(pd.unique([d for v in vars for d in v.dims]))

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