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Using the duqmap function

The api provides a map function duqmap which can be used to map functions over data generated by duqtools, or just data that you specify yourself (as in this example)

import xarray as xr

from duqtools.api import ImasHandle, Run, Runs, duqmap
from pydantic_yaml import parse_yaml_raw_as
from imas2xarray import rebase_all_coords
16:03:18 [WARNING] Python module 'omas' not found. Submodule 'jams' needs it
16:03:18 [WARNING] Python module 'netCDF4' not found. Submodule 'transp' needs it

Read data from runs.yaml

This data is later used to instrument duqtools over which runs to apply the function

name = "../example/runs.yaml"
with open(name) as f:
    runs = parse_yaml_raw_as(Runs, f)

for run in runs:
    run.data_out.relative_location = None

Define a function to be used with duqmap

Functions should have either Run or ImasHandle as the type of the first argument, duqmap will then take care of converting the input to the correct type

def print_and_return_handle(run: Run):
    return str(run.dirname)

this function extracts the dirnames from any runs duqmap operates over:

names = duqmap(print_and_return_handle, runs=runs)

A function to extract the electron temperature of each ImasHandle for each output mapped over by duqmap:

def extract_te(handle: ImasHandle):
    return handle.get_variables(['t_e', 'rho_tor_norm'])

Retrieve a dataset for each of the runs specified:

datasets = duqmap(extract_te, runs=runs)
 Dimensions:       (time: 1, rho_tor_norm: 101)
   * rho_tor_norm  (rho_tor_norm) float64 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 ... 0.98 0.99 1.0
 Dimensions without coordinates: time
 Data variables:
     t_e           (time, rho_tor_norm) float64 7.265e+03 7.265e+03 ... 599.2,
 Dimensions:       (time: 1, rho_tor_norm: 101)
   * rho_tor_norm  (rho_tor_norm) float64 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 ... 0.98 0.99 1.0
 Dimensions without coordinates: time
 Data variables:
     t_e           (time, rho_tor_norm) float64 6.054e+03 6.055e+03 ... 499.3,
 Dimensions:       (time: 1, rho_tor_norm: 101)
   * rho_tor_norm  (rho_tor_norm) float64 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 ... 0.98 0.99 1.0
 Dimensions without coordinates: time
 Data variables:
     t_e           (time, rho_tor_norm) float64 4.843e+03 4.844e+03 ... 399.4]

Rebase and convert all the data into a single dataset with the help of xarray

datasets = rebase_all_coords(datasets, datasets[0])
dataset = xr.concat(datasets, dim='run')
dataset['run'] = names
Dimensions:       (run: 3, time: 1, rho_tor_norm: 101)
  * rho_tor_norm  (rho_tor_norm) float64 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 ... 0.98 0.99 1.0
  * run           (run) <U63 '/pfs/work/g2vazizi/jetto/runs/duqtools_experime...
Dimensions without coordinates: time
Data variables:
    t_e           (run, time, rho_tor_norm) float64 7.265e+03 ... 399.4

Plot our results the way we want

dataset['t_e'].isel(time=0).plot.line(x='rho_tor_norm', hue='run')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2b362644afe0>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2b362644b040>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2b362644b070>]
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